Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Braces Day!!

Today we are celebrating an important holiday -- Braces Day!! Unfortunately, it does not require the boys to take a day off of school; but, it is an important event none the less!

Connor had braces put onto his teeth at 8am this morning. He is sore and hungry; but, in two years he will be smiling with straight ivories and a jawbone that is equal on both sides!!

I couldn't get a picture of the apparatus in the back of his mouth that is going to cause the greatest difference -- the Hertz Apparatus. It is a hinged-steel rod that is attached to the top two and bottom two back teeth by silver crowns. It is literally "growing" his jawbone -- as one side decided to grow and the other didn't want to. He will wear this for a year and then wear the braces for another year.

As I was sitting in this swanky orthodontist office -- smelling the fresh Otis Spunkmeyer cookies baking, coffee brewing, watching "Regis and Kelly" on the TV and listening to the free arcade games running -- it occurred to me that orthodontist offices had changed since I had braces. And, then I realized that (GASP!) it has been almost 30 YEARS since I had braces!!!

Here are some pictures I took this morning before we left:

After school...

Please stay tuned...I'll have the true "AFTER" pictures in about two years!!

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