Monday, April 4, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Chris travels a LOT.

I don't like it.

However, I do remind myself how lucky we are that he has such a great job and that he doesn't enjoy traveling by himself either.

He just returned from a 10 day trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi. I was so thrilled to have him home that when he started handing me gifts it was like a party!

We watch "The Amazing Race" and last season the contestants had to go through a field full of Genie Lamps finding a certain clue in them. I told him then that I wanted a Genie Lamp of my own one day.

...He brought me a Genie Lamp :0)...

and beautiful vases.
This made me think about all the things around my house that Chris has brought me from different places in the world.

Scarves and intricately painted eggs from Austria...

A gorgeous wooden chopstick set from Singapore...
Pearls and a jewelry box from China...

As much as I dislike him being gone, I won't lie...I DO like a gift now and then!

However, I do look forward to being able to go WITH him on his adventures and pick out a few gifts as well!

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