Friday, September 5, 2008

Papa's Wise Words

Every summer, the boys and I go to Albuquerque to spend some time with the family. The boys will spend a week with Chris's parents and then a week with my parents. This time is very important to me because I know how important grandparents are. I was lucky enough to live in the same city as both sets of grandparents. My sister and I would spend every Saturday night at one set or the other. In third grade, my Nanny would pick me up everyday after school and take me to Baskin Robbins where I would get a double scoop of ice cream -- mint chocolate chip and strawberry cheesecake. When my sister or I were sick, our grandpa would pick us up from school (or home) and take us to KMart -- my sister was sick alot!! Just lots of special times that could only happen when you live close by.

When the boys are with my parents, they spend a few days going with my dad on his 18-wheeler. They help him wash it, work on it, and load it. In order to do this they have to get up early -- usually 4:30 or 5. They quietly get dressed and brush their teeth so as not to wake me and grandma. They wouldn't dare want to sleep in and miss their day with Papa.
They love learning all about trucks and parts and whatever else Papa teaches boys!

A couple of weeks ago the boys and I had our six-month dentist cleaning and Colby actually had no cavities! The poor little guy has had the worst luck with his teeth. Well, this morning while he was finishing up brushing his teeth, he got excited and shouted, "Papa was right mom! Two spits is all you need for healthy teeth!" "Huh??" "Papa told us this summer that all you need to do is brush your teeth long enough to spit twice and it must work 'cuz I didn't have any cavities!"

Papa is so smart!!


Danette said...

Yes he is! We love Papa!

Danette said...

2 spits and 3 squares of toilette paper---no wonder we turned out perfect! tee hee! :)