Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's Time To Do Some Growing Up

I have always said that my daughters-in-laws are going to hate me. From day one, I have done just about everything for my boys. I have a somewhat uptight personality and like things "just so", so I have found it is easier to do things myself the first time. As a result, my boys don't know how to do a lot when it comes to housework.

Colby had a tournament today and Connor decided to stay home. I thought that today was as good a day as any for Connor to help me out and learn some skills! I texted him and told him that today he was to change his sheets.

Connor's text back: Idk how to do that. But I'll try
My text: A good time to learn:)
Connor: Ugh okay

Two hours later...
Connor's text: I changed them!!!!

This is the result...

By the end of the summer and weeks more worth of practice, he should be able to bounce a quarter off his bed!

...maybe my daughters-in-law will like me a little...

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