Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Theme

I am sensing a theme to my spiritual life lately.


This school year, I have joined two prayer groups -- one for each of my sons' schools; I have purchased a book on prayer that came highly recommended by my sister; and this week, my daily devotions have all been about prayer.

I have been surprised by the new things I have learned on prayer. Not that I am all that when it comes to spiritual matters -- but I was raised in a Christian home, went to a Christian school my whole life and have been involved in church forever! I thought praying was the easy part!

Mom's In Touch has opened my eyes on praying scripture. Many scriptures were written as praise and worship to God so this is a great tool to use when just coming before Him and thanking Him for His awesomeness! It is also a very moving way to pray over your child.

Even the format Mom's In Touch uses was new to me. Yes, I have been taught that we need to confess sins before God can hear us; but, they have taught me the importance of praising God and thanking Him for who He is and what He has done. This has helped put the focus on Him rather than my "want or need" at the moment. Oh, I still have those"popcorn" prayers throughout the day when I think of something that I am worried about or forgot to pray about. But, I can say my morning quiet time has been enriched with my new "prayer knowledge"!

One of the things I do everyday is the daily devotion out of the Journey magazine. Like I stated, this last week has been on prayer. Several things have really opened my eyes...

Sometimes, what is stressing me out seems so silly in comparison to what someone else is facing. For example, when I get frustrated because my boys won't clean up the gameroom or hang up their clean clothes I don't think God cares to listen to that so I don't go to Him. I think that someone else may be praying that their child were healthy enough to make the mess in the first place so what right do I have to come to God with my immaturity!! But, one devotion taught me that I must remember something very significant about the character of God: If it concerns us, then it's important to Him. He offers us rest -- even from the daily grind of life. He can provide that rest when I come to Him and lay my heart before Him.

The most amazing thing about prayer that I have learned this week is that God wants us to pray specifically, intensely and persistently. Wow. Really?

I have always had the idea that God already knows my heart and its burdens and I shouldn't "bother" Him with things. Maybe this comes from being a mom. If my boys tell me or ask me something one time, I don't want to hear it EVERYDAY from them! God is busy, right? He is all-knowing, right? I shouldn't have to repeat things that are on my heart everyday. He probably gets tired of hearing my same requests!

Not so.

Even Jesus offered "prayers and appeals, with loud cries and tears." There is something about our deep desperation and stubborn persistence that moves God to take action.

In another devotion, it states that lots happens when I pray persistently. My faith gets clearer. God may help me readjust my requests until it fits His will. I will start seeing through His eyes and ask for what's on His heart. I grow closer to Him.

God has designed us for long, in-depth conversations with Him. He created us because He wanted fellowship! The most awesome thing is that God is the BEST best friend you can ever have. He pays attention to everything about you. He listens completely and remembers! He does care about whether your kids clothes are hung up!!

We all need to pray like we are talking to someone who really cares, who is moved by what's in our heart, and (the greatest thing) who will and can do something about it!

1 comment:

Marney said...

Davedda -
I just found your blog... and I love your post on prayer. Such a wonderful reminder for a fellow mom who prays over the same "issues." Thank you for the encouragement!
p.s. I got your blog from Keri's blog. :)